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Serious crime like murder, arson.- Felony (महापराध)

Send rays of light or heat.- Radiate (विकिरण करना)

Send back a criminal into custody for further investigation.- Remand (हवालात मे वापस भेजना)
Secret place difficult to access.- Recess (गुप्त स्थान)
Secret agreement for a fraudulent purpose.- Collusion (कपटसंधि, जालसाजी)
Search in the dark.- Grope (टटोलना)
Search for something.- Quest (खोज, अन्वेषण)
Secret religious meeting.- Conventicle (गुप्त धार्मिक सभा)
Sea with a group of many islands.- Archipelago (द्वीप समूह)
A signature on the back of a paper or cheque.- Endorsement (हस्ताक्षर)
Showing contemptuous indifference.- Supercilious (घमंडी)
A short summary of a book or speech.- Epitome (सारांश)
Signal under martial law for people to remain indoors.- Curfew (कर्फ़यू)
Showing deep sorrow for wrong doing.- Contrite (प्रायश्चित करने वाला)
A short journey for pleasure.- Excursion (सैर-सपाटा)
A short expression of general truth.- Proverb, Dictum, Adage (कहावत)
A short amusing story about some real person or event.- Anecdote (किस्सा)
Scornful and contemptuous language.- Opprobrium (अपमानजनक भाषा)
Science of weight.- Metrology (माप विज्ञान)
Science of time.- Horology (समय विज्ञान)
Science of writing and compiling a dictionary.- Lexicography (शब्दकोष विज्ञान)
Science of the races of mankind and their relation to one another.- Ethnology (मानव जाति विज्ञान)
Science of the physical structure of the body.- Anatomy (शरीर रचना विज्ञान)
Science of the habits of living things in relation to their environment.- Ecology (परिस्थिति विज्ञान)
Science of the constitution of the whole universe.- Cosmography (विश्व रचना विज्ञान)
Science of the causes of diseases.- Etiology/Aetiology (कारण विज्ञान)
Science of mankind as an animal.- Anthropology (मानव शास्त्र)
Science of mechanical and industrial arts.- Technology (शिल्प विज्ञान)
Science of healthy living.- Hygiene (स्वास्थ्य विज्ञान)
Science of inscriptions.- Epigraphy (पुरालेख शास्त्र)
Science of human beauty.- Kalology (सौंदर्य विज्ञान)
Science of fixing dates.- Chronology (कालक्रम विज्ञान)

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