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Receiving guests warmly.- Hospitality (आतिथ्य सत्कार )
Records of events in the order of their happenings.- Chronicle (इतिहास)
Question or problem difficult to answer or understand.-Puzzle/Riddle/enigma (पहेली/कठिनप्रश्न)
Put under the surface of water.-Submerge (पानी मे डुबोना)
Put off for future time.-Postpone/procrastinate (स्थगित करना)
Put into the from of a code.-Codify (संकेतबद्द करना )
Pull out of usual shape.-Distort (विकृत करना,तोरना)
Public merry making and feasting.-Carnival (आन्दोत्सव,मनोरंजन मेला)
Public activity which take place in a very elaborate, colourful and expensive way.-Extravaganza(अतिशयी नाटक)
Place of good climate for invalids.-Asylum(आश्रम, शरण)
Property left to someone by a will.-Legacy(पैतृक संपत्ति)
Property inherted from one’s father.-Patrimony(बपैती)
Producing a lot of books or other things.-Prolific(बहुफ़लदायक)
Process of sewing designs on cloth or other materials.-Embroidery(काशीदाकारी)
Principle that the war should and could be abolished.-Pacifism(शांतिवाद)
Habit of independent thought.-Individualism(व्यक्तिवाद)
Prevention of loss, waste, damage.-Conservation(संरक्षण)
Prevent form being carried out.-Circumvent(लागू न होने देना)
Pretence of having a virtuous character.-Hypocricy(पाखंड आडंबर)
Present from or before birth.-Congenital(जन्मजात,सहज)
Marriage of God.-Theogamy(ईश विवाह)
Lover of dogs.-Canophilist(कुत्तों का शोकींन)
Loss of memory.-Amnesia(स्मृति लोप)
A group of talkative girls/women.-Gagge(स्तियों का समूह)
Guied by one’s sense of duty.-Conscientious(कर्तव्यनिष्ठ)
Gust of wind.-Draught(हवा का झोका)
Handwriting that can be easily read.Legible(पठनीय)
Happening at the sametime. Simultaneous(समकालिक)
Government run by a dictstor. Dictatorship(तानाशाही)
Government by person of highest social order. Aristocrship(कुलीनतंत्र)
Government by intelligentsia. Meritocracy(बुद्धिजीवियों की सरकार)
Government by the rich and the powerful class. Plutocracy(धनिकतंत्र)
Government by officials. Bureaucracy(नोकरशाही)
Government by elected representatives. Democray(प्रजातंत्र)
Government by elected representatives without a monarch. Republic(गणतंत्र)
Government by divine laws. Theocracy(धर्मतंत्र)
Government by a king/queen. Monarchy(राजतंत्र)
Government by a few people. Oligarchy(अल्पतंत्र)
Government body of a university. Senate(अधिसभा)
Hater of books. Misobiblic(पुस्तक व्देषी)
Hater of learning. Mislogist(शिक्षा व्देषी)
Hater of marriage. Misogamist(विवाह व्देषी)
Having more than one meaning. Ambiguous/Equivocal(अनेकाथी)
Imaginary ailments (disease). Hypochondria(काल्पनिक बीमारी)

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